Your position: Home / IPL SHR LCD & control board
Beijing Dwin LCD display screen+ control board controller, diode laser IPL Elight OPT SHR RF Q Switch ND yag laser, 8” multicolor, with connectors and data cables

Note: New customers always have to buy the whole set display+control board together for compatibility
(LCD display and controller should always be together and with menu in display and same version of firmware and program in controller.)
Compatible with IPL power supply of Beijing Dazhi & Beijing Flysec
This set is compartible with most of Chinese IPL machines, the buyer takes the risk by himself.
Please show us photos to see clearly the back label of the display, here is one example of model DMT80600L080_01WT 8-inch display.
Por favor enséñanos fotos para ver bien la etiqueta del dorso de la pantalla, aquí hay un ejemplo del modelo DMT80600L080_01WT de pantalla de 8 pulgadas. la forma de comprobar la lámpara y la fuente de alimentación de IPL SHR sin la pantalla controladora
Our display 8 inches+controller USD 100, 4 details for compatibility with all other factories' machines:
1. Cable of 10 pins
2. Water sensor of 2 or 3 cables
3. Display of 8 inches
4. Temperature sensor 3 wires

wiring diagram of our controller as below,
also you may open the links to see all wiring files of IPL Elight SHR RF yag laser wiring diagrams or
Por favor entra en nuestro websitio puede descargar la imagen de abajo en esta página de web para ampliar y verse mejor.
Todos los archivos de cableado están en los enlaces or

Please save the link
The screen and the controller always should be paired to be compatible in the usage, please check the version number on the back of the display and on the back of the controller and open the link to see if they are paired.
Pair examples in the file:
2019-11-8 Work 66, controller version and diplay version are paired as below
YG_P15.5/ of controller
YG_2.7.bin of controller
E642C.hex of display
add more simmer time
Third part display controller replacement services
The display is to install menu, the controller is to install firmware and software, both should always have compatible versions of the same factory.
Software, firmware, menu and hardware/display+controller have to be compatible also, if your machines cannot find the original machine supplier, we suggest you try one set of our display controller with our software firmware and menu installed, any of blank chip, controller, display of Beijing Dwin cannot save your machine, the unique solution is to take one whole set of software, firmware, menu and hardware/display controller of one same producer as solution.
menu of different styles
if you need different colours and effect, please send us 3 menu pages with your colours and effect, but you cannot change the positions of the buttons/icons.
On base of your 3 pages, we will make whole set of menu pages in about one week.
1. Ask your supplier to sell the controller or display+controller to you.
2. if you cannot get it from the supplier, you have to buy display+controller from third part like us.
3. Be sure that the parts used in the machine can be connected to our controller
Para usar nuestra pantalla controladora en las máquinas de otros fabricantes por el tema de compartibilidad, primero te aconsejamos estudiar bien todos los archivos nuestros de cableado, or
Lo más importante es que nuestra controladora comparte en las fuentes de IPL elight SHR de los 2 fabricantes más importantes Beijing Dazhi y Beijing Flysec.
En práctica vemos muchas veces los sensores de flujo no son compartibles, entonces se tratan de comprar nuestros sensores de temperatura baratos buenos,
los sensores de flujo o de 2 cables o de 3 cables son compartibles con nuestra controladora, ve 00:30 setting for 2-wire water flow sensor and 3-wire water flow sensor
We suggest you buy 1 set of our display controller to try and save and study well the links of the wiring files or
The most important is that our controller is compatible with the IPL elight SHR power supplies of the 2 best producers Beijing Dazhi y Beijing Flysec, and also with other Dazhi 10-pin COPY power supplies from Guangzhou Wisdom, Ningbo and etc.., please also buy our cheap but stable temperature sensor, because many times they are not compatible in other companies' machines., you may buy or don't buy our flow sensor as you like, while our controller is compatible with almost all 2-wire and 3-wire flow sensors, please see the video 00:30 setting for 2-wire water flow sensor and 3-wire water flow sensor our 10.4" display+controller, wiring files or data cable between our controller + Flysec's IPL power supply please also buy our cheap but stable temperature sensor, because many times they are not compatible in other companies' machines., you may buy or don't buy our flow sensor as you like, while our controller is compatible with almost all 2-wire and 3-wire flow sensors, please see the video 00:30 setting for 2-wire water flow sensor and 3-wire water flow sensor
If we send to you our control board- can you install CPU and tune him?
no, impossible
same as, can your Iphone or Android phones exchange to install IOS and Android system?
that is why if you cannot find the producer of the machine, maybe you cannot find more supplier to do display controller after sales services for the machine
But if we buy control board from you - we solve the problem?
the machine without its producer's software/controller after services, is same as incurable canser, or you throw the machine, or you make a TRY with third part services like ours, solve the problem or not is based on the communications of the parts compatibility as many as possible, as much as possible, maybe not 100%, but closest to 100% or 100%.
Only for our old controllers. Does the machine have 5V switching power supply or only 12V ps? Our old controller was only supported by 5V ps, or you can buy a small one from local market or buy 1 5V12V ps from us.
在迪文那里 迪文以为我们卖的机器很多 也是迪文的不小的买家 其实许多液晶屏控制器 我们做第三方的售后了
我们的液晶屏控制器兼容大部分重要厂家的电源,有许多机器售后被卖家抛弃,不值钱的控制器坏了,整机就报废,用上我们的液晶屏控制器 整机就活了,用途广泛。

Note: New customers always have to buy the whole set display+control board together for compatibility
(LCD display and controller should always be together and with menu in display and same version of firmware and program in controller.)
Compatible with IPL power supply of Beijing Dazhi & Beijing Flysec
This set is compartible with most of Chinese IPL machines, the buyer takes the risk by himself.
Please show us photos to see clearly the back label of the display, here is one example of model DMT80600L080_01WT 8-inch display.
Por favor enséñanos fotos para ver bien la etiqueta del dorso de la pantalla, aquí hay un ejemplo del modelo DMT80600L080_01WT de pantalla de 8 pulgadas. la forma de comprobar la lámpara y la fuente de alimentación de IPL SHR sin la pantalla controladora
Our display 8 inches+controller USD 100, 4 details for compatibility with all other factories' machines:
1. Cable of 10 pins
2. Water sensor of 2 or 3 cables
3. Display of 8 inches
4. Temperature sensor 3 wires

wiring diagram of our controller as below,
also you may open the links to see all wiring files of IPL Elight SHR RF yag laser wiring diagrams or
Por favor entra en nuestro websitio puede descargar la imagen de abajo en esta página de web para ampliar y verse mejor.
Todos los archivos de cableado están en los enlaces or

Please save the link
The screen and the controller always should be paired to be compatible in the usage, please check the version number on the back of the display and on the back of the controller and open the link to see if they are paired.
Pair examples in the file:
2019-11-8 Work 66, controller version and diplay version are paired as below
YG_P15.5/ of controller
YG_2.7.bin of controller
E642C.hex of display
add more simmer time
Third part display controller replacement services
The display is to install menu, the controller is to install firmware and software, both should always have compatible versions of the same factory.
Software, firmware, menu and hardware/display+controller have to be compatible also, if your machines cannot find the original machine supplier, we suggest you try one set of our display controller with our software firmware and menu installed, any of blank chip, controller, display of Beijing Dwin cannot save your machine, the unique solution is to take one whole set of software, firmware, menu and hardware/display controller of one same producer as solution.
menu of different styles
if you need different colours and effect, please send us 3 menu pages with your colours and effect, but you cannot change the positions of the buttons/icons.
On base of your 3 pages, we will make whole set of menu pages in about one week.
1. Ask your supplier to sell the controller or display+controller to you.
2. if you cannot get it from the supplier, you have to buy display+controller from third part like us.
3. Be sure that the parts used in the machine can be connected to our controller
Para usar nuestra pantalla controladora en las máquinas de otros fabricantes por el tema de compartibilidad, primero te aconsejamos estudiar bien todos los archivos nuestros de cableado, or
Lo más importante es que nuestra controladora comparte en las fuentes de IPL elight SHR de los 2 fabricantes más importantes Beijing Dazhi y Beijing Flysec.
En práctica vemos muchas veces los sensores de flujo no son compartibles, entonces se tratan de comprar nuestros sensores de temperatura baratos buenos,
los sensores de flujo o de 2 cables o de 3 cables son compartibles con nuestra controladora, ve 00:30 setting for 2-wire water flow sensor and 3-wire water flow sensor
We suggest you buy 1 set of our display controller to try and save and study well the links of the wiring files or
The most important is that our controller is compatible with the IPL elight SHR power supplies of the 2 best producers Beijing Dazhi y Beijing Flysec, and also with other Dazhi 10-pin COPY power supplies from Guangzhou Wisdom, Ningbo and etc.., please also buy our cheap but stable temperature sensor, because many times they are not compatible in other companies' machines., you may buy or don't buy our flow sensor as you like, while our controller is compatible with almost all 2-wire and 3-wire flow sensors, please see the video 00:30 setting for 2-wire water flow sensor and 3-wire water flow sensor our 10.4" display+controller, wiring files or data cable between our controller + Flysec's IPL power supply please also buy our cheap but stable temperature sensor, because many times they are not compatible in other companies' machines., you may buy or don't buy our flow sensor as you like, while our controller is compatible with almost all 2-wire and 3-wire flow sensors, please see the video 00:30 setting for 2-wire water flow sensor and 3-wire water flow sensor
If we send to you our control board- can you install CPU and tune him?
no, impossible
same as, can your Iphone or Android phones exchange to install IOS and Android system?
that is why if you cannot find the producer of the machine, maybe you cannot find more supplier to do display controller after sales services for the machine
But if we buy control board from you - we solve the problem?
the machine without its producer's software/controller after services, is same as incurable canser, or you throw the machine, or you make a TRY with third part services like ours, solve the problem or not is based on the communications of the parts compatibility as many as possible, as much as possible, maybe not 100%, but closest to 100% or 100%.
Only for our old controllers. Does the machine have 5V switching power supply or only 12V ps? Our old controller was only supported by 5V ps, or you can buy a small one from local market or buy 1 5V12V ps from us.
在迪文那里 迪文以为我们卖的机器很多 也是迪文的不小的买家 其实许多液晶屏控制器 我们做第三方的售后了
我们的液晶屏控制器兼容大部分重要厂家的电源,有许多机器售后被卖家抛弃,不值钱的控制器坏了,整机就报废,用上我们的液晶屏控制器 整机就活了,用途广泛。