Beijing Dazhi, 800W

DZMC-800B IPL Power Supply External Control Interface Definition:
P3 interface: 10P socket, from the left as the first leg, defined as follows:
1. +12V output: 12V output of power supply, the output current is not more than 60mA;
2. Charging success: the signal to the controller after the voltage on the capacitor reaches the preset value when charging, the low level is effective;
3. Pre-simmer Success: When xenon lamp is lit, the output signal to the controller, low-level effective;
4. GND: power ground line;
5. Voltage input: ana logue voltage input, used to control the charging voltage of power supply, 0 ~ 5.3V corresponding to the output voltage 0-400V, common ground with power supply;
6. Pre-simmer start: used to control the pre-simmer lighting, when the signal is low, power supply will light up the xenon lamp, at the same time, it will output the “pre-simmer success” signal, when the signal is at high-level, power supply will extinguish the xenon lamp;
7. Charging start: used to control the power charge, when this signal is low, power supply will charge the capacitor, when this signal is high, power supply does not charge;
8. Frequency input: used to control the power supply discharge frequency, this signal is a pulse signal, low-level effective, a single pulse width is not less than 1ms, not more than 20ms;
9. GND: power ground line;
10. NC
All the IPL elight SHR machines of the famous producer Beijing Dazhi that we use in our own IPL Elight SHR machines have 10-pin connector and 10-pin cable, also there are at least 5 producers like Guangzhou Wisdom who copy Beijing Dazhi's power supplies.
Our display controller sets are compatible with all these 10-pin power supplies.
our controller of 10-pin connectors Beijing Dazhi's 10-pin power supply 800W Beijing Dazhi IPL power supply installation